Genre: Drama
Runtime: 98 mins
Directed by: Maura Anderson
Written by: Velinda Godfrey, Todd Waring
Produced by: Maura Anderson, Velinda Godfrey, Jennifer Wood.
Starring: Velinda Godfrey, Laura Spencer (Bones, The Big Bang Theory), Beth Grant (Donnie Darko, The Mindy Project), Steve Agee (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
Velinda Godfrey stars as Lauren, a young lesbian woman whose partner has just died. Lauren moves back to her family home in Guthrie, Oklahoma, to live with her mother, Crystal (played by Beth Grant). Crystal has been a widow for 15 years and spends her time scrapbooking and going to church. She is unfailingly cheerful. She loves her daughter, but won’t accept the fact that Lauren is a lesbian.