Genre: Documentary
Format: 4 x 60 HD
Produced by: Breakthrough Entertainment. Funded with support by the Celebration and Commemoration Program at the Department of Canadian Heritage, produced in association with TVO and Knowledge Network
Distributed by: Breakthrough Entertainment
Military historian Norm Christie hosts a new documentary series, which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Great War. In this unique series, Norm Christie takes audiences on a pilgrimage to significant Great War sites – some famous, others almost totally unknown. He discovers and tells the stories of Canadian men and women whose skills and courage turned Canada into a force on the world stage.
L’historien militaire Norm Christie anime une nouvelle série documentaire qui commémore le 100ème anniversaire de la Grande Guerre. Dans cette série unique, Norm Christie entraîne les spectateurs dans un pèlerinage aux sites importants de la Grande Guerre – certains celebres, d’autres presque totalement inconnus. Il découvre et raconte les histories d’hommes et de femmes don’t les competences et le courage ont transformé le profil du Canada sur la scène mondiale.